
Christie Coxley

Encaustic Paintings


Gone to Seed:
The presence of nature permeates our lives in different guises and layers. For thousands of years artists have found inspiration in the enduring appeal of flowers. And, while blooms are often celebrated, the end of a flower’s life rarely is—often called, pejoratively, faded…blowsy…blown-out. This series explores the beauty of that end-of-life state through various methods of manipulating the encaustic medium. Following in the long tradition of botanical art, these are not exact replicas, but rather naturalistically detailed representations.

Tongue Twister Blocks:
Tongue twisters are passed on for generations becoming a rich part of folklore, transcending borders and politics—while being influenced by both. Each block is an exploration of individual story-telling and unique cultural sense of humour. The 3-dimensional shape allows for a rich visual exploration that is distinctive to the person that wrote out the tongue twister.